3D Mammography Comes to PCGH
Newer 3D mammograms provide a more detailed picture of the breast tissue, leading to more precise detection of abnormalities.
Pointe Coupee General Hospital is excited to now offer 3D Mammography exams. Utilizing advanced breast tomosynthesis technology, these exams are clinically proven to significantly increase the detection of breast cancers, and also decrease the number of women asked to return for additional testing.
In conventional 2D Mammography, overlapping tissue is a leading reason why small breast cancers may be missed and normal tissue may appear abnormal, leading to unnecessary callbacks. This advanced exam includes a three-dimensional method of imaging that can greatly reduce the tissue overlap effect.
The 3D exam includes both 2D images and tomosynthesis scans. During the tomosynthesis-dimensional portion of the exam, an X-ray arm sweeps in a slight arc over the breast, taking multiple images. A computer then converts the images into a stack of thin layers, allowing the radiologist to review the breast tissue one layer at a time.
“We’re excited to provide these breakthrough technologies for all of our patients and remain committed to offering the women of our community the most advanced breast care possible alongside an improved mammogram experience.”
3D Mammography exams are revolutionizing how breast cancer is detected by providing a better option for women of all breast densities compared to 2D alone. Researchers have found that the 3D Mammography finds 20-65% more invasive breast cancers compared to 2D alone, an average increase of 41%. The equipment being used is the Genius™ 3D Mammography™ which is FDA approved. It is superior for women with dense breasts compared to 2D and the exam reduces additional imaging by up to 40% as compared to 2D exams alone.
PCGH also recognizes the importance of providing the best possible mammogram experience for our patients. In addition to the Genius™ 3D Mammography upgrade, the SmartCurve breast stabilization system has also been added. The SmartCurve is clinically proven to deliver a more comfortable mammogram without compromising image quality, workflow, or dose and can be used on most patients. These innovations come as part of PCGH’s ongoing commitment to superior breast cancer detection and providing an improved mammogram experience for our patients. The technology has the potential to increase screening volume and compliance for the countless women who have reported avoiding regular mammograms due in large part to the fear of discomfort associated with breast compression.
The SmartCurve system features a proprietary curved surface that mirrors the shape of a woman’s breast to reduce pinching and allow better distribution of force over the entire breast. In a recent clinical study comparing the SmartCurve breast stabilization system to traditional flat paddle compression, the SmartCurve system improved comfort in 93% of women who reported moderate to severe discomfort with standard compression. In addition, 95% of those surveyed would recommend facilities that use the system.
PCGH has also added some additional amenities to the Mammography Suite. The amenities that can be enjoyed by all of our patients include a high definition flat screen TV that continuously plays relaxing imagery and sound, cold air diffusion technology in an effort to deliver the most exquisite and healthiest scent of crisp, clean lemongrass and refreshingly smooth green tea, new furniture, and room décor.

Patients that return for additional imaging (callbacks) or because of breast issues, will spend a little more time in the Mammography Suite than screening patients. This additional time is so the mammographer can review the patient’s images with the radiologists on-site. The above-mentioned amenities will hopefully ease the patient’s mind while waiting, but PCGH wanted to offer these patients a little something extra. When these patients come in, they will be offered snacks and bottled water to enjoy during their wait.
“These new technologies and amenities not only enable us to improve the experience for our patients by providing them with a more comfortable mammogram, but more importantly allow us to do so while maintaining clinical accuracy by providing our physicians with the industry’s fastest, highest resolution 3D images,” said Tess Jarreau, RT (R) (M), RDMS, Radiology Department Manager. “Being able to arm doctors with the advanced ability to identify subtle lesions and fine calcifications and help pinpoint cancers in early stages, while also keeping patients more comfortable than ever before, is priceless.”
To schedule a Genius 3D Mammography™ exam using the SmartCurve system, or if you have questions about this important breast health procedure, please contact the PCGH Radiology Department at (225) 638-5703.
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