Quality Dashboard
Our quality dashboards display performance metrics at the ward and organizational levels, aiding operational decisions and quality improvements. They offer feedback useful for both levels and help identify patterns in data to enhance decision-making and inform initiatives.
Line graphs showing PCGH's Emergency Department's service times for arrival to triage and to direct MD contact.
Line graph showing PCGH's Emergency Department's service time for patient turn arounds.
Column and line graphs showing PCGH's number of patient falls, patient days, and rate per 1,000 days for all stay types.
Column and line graphs showing PCGH's number of hospital acquired infections (HAI), patient days, and rate per 1,000 days for acute/skilled patients.
Column and line graphs showing PCGH's number of inpatient readmissions, inpatient days, and rate per 1,000 days.
Line graph showing PCGH's patient satisfaction for inpatients.