Heartbeats — June 1993
This document has been recreated below for ease of use. It has been lightly edited for clarity. Hyperlinks have been inserted where additional, relevant information is available.
For posterity, the original document is available, too.
Dr. Donald Doucet (left), Medical Director at Pointe Coupee General Hospital, demonstrates the hospital's new Treadmill Stress Test Machine. Pictured on the treadmill is PCG Respiratory Therapy staff member Paula Cazayoux (second from right), while looking on is Amy Brunson (second from left) of Respiratory Therapy and Director of Respiratory Therapy Roxanne Jewell (right).
PCGH adds high-tech Treadmill Stress Test machine to Respiratory Department
A new, updated Treadmill Stress Test machine in Pointe Coupee General's Respiratory Department will enable the hospital to better serve the community's needs, according to Dr. Donald Doucet, Respiratory Therapy Medical Director. The machine replaced an older model from about five years ago.
"We will now be able to evaluate a lot more patients with chest pains and possible heart disease," Doucet said. "We'll use it probably 3-4 times a week and maybe more."
Respiratory Director Roxanne Jewell called the purchase of the new equipment a "big addition to our department. The reports are a lot more in depth and thorough. It can only make our department more efficient.
'93 Pointe Coupee Health Fair set for June 4, 1993
The 1993 Health Fair, sponsored by Pointe Coupee Parish Hospital Service District I and the American Cancer Society of Pointe Coupee will be held Saturday, June 4, 1993 at Pointe Coupee General Hospital in New Roads. The public is invited.
Included in the $15 charge per person are screenings of blood pressure, hearing, vision, glaucoma, height and weight, as well as bloodwork which will be conducted for the the testing of cholesterol and glucose.
It is recommended that persons receiving blood work should not eat anything past midnight the day prior to coming in the fair.
Also, mammograms will be conducted for $25 on an appointment basis through the X-ray department.
The Health Fair will run from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information, call Pointe Coupee General at (225) 638-6331.
Over 200 parish senior citizens gathered Tuesday, May 11 at the Scott Civic Center for the annual Pointe Coupee Council on Aging Board Meeting and Picnic. Pictured above is Mrs. Laura Samson, 93 years old, the oldest participant in the program.
Council on Aging Holds Annual Board Meeting and Picnic
The Pointe Coupee Council on Aging served over 200 senior citizens on May 11 at its annual board meeting/picnic at the Scott Civic Center in New Roads.
Council on Aging Director Betty Dailey was quite pleased with the turnout, adding, "I think everyone had a good time."
During the program, several people were recognized. Mrs. Laura Samson, age 93, was recognized as being the oldest participant. Ten-year service pins were given to Council on Aging employees Simone Laurent (Service Coordinator) and Joyce Polar (Morganza Site Manager).
Awards were give to longtime board members Mrs. Myrtle Pourciau, who has served two full terms and attended 30 meetings of 33 meetings held.
Mr. O'Neal "Blackie" Leonard was honored for having served one four-year term and a stint as chairman from May 1991 to May 1992.
Thanks went out to the following organizations for all their support to Council on Aging:
American Legion Hunter-Fabre #248
New Roads Lions Club
Capitol Home Health
Golden Age Home Care
Sheriff Preston Chustz
News Briefs
'Nurses Day' held at PCGH
Pointe Coupee General Hospital recently honored its hard-working nursing staff with "Nurses Day," Thursday, May 9, 1993.
A special lunch was given to the entire staff of 10 Home Health nurses staff in the PCGH Conference Room. Among those present were Michelle Jewell, Shelly Roy, Doris Jewell, Mary Grezaffi, Melissa Hendricks, Iris Stewart, Jo Ann Martin, and Fran Talbot.
Invited guests speakers included dietitian Stacie Arcement and speech therapist Terry Allen.
Mrs. Rolle Marks No. 99
Mrs. Bertha Rolle: "Happy 99th"
Respiratory patient Mrs. Bertha Rolle celebrated her 99th birthday in February at Pointe Coupee General Hospital and was honored with a cake on the third floor of the hospital.
PCGH Nutritionist Receives Top Dietitian Award From Louisiana Dietetic Association
Stacie Arcement
Stacie Arcement, who heads the Pointe Coupee General Hospital Nutritional Guidance Program, funded through a grant, was recently named by the Louisiana Dietetic Association as "Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year." It is one of the top awards presented by the La. Dietetic Association.
The honor came in an awards ceremony at the end of April. She has been working at Pointe Coupee General Hospital since January, 25, 1993. Most recently, she presented a community public program, entitled "Cancer: Prevention or Survival?"
PCGH Employee Completes Medical Records Course
LouAnne Chustz, a 10-year employee at Pointe Coupee General, recently completed the American Health Information Management Association's Independent Study Division in Medical Records Technology. Requirements included having 30-plus semester hours of college and completing the correspondence course.
Ms. Chustz has been Medical Records Director at Pointe Coupee General Hospital since 1987.
PCGH Receives New Beds, Stretchers
Pointe Coupee General Hospital recently received nine new hospital beds and five new stretchers in the Emergency Room, according to PCG Administrator Larry Ayres.
The beds, made by Hill-Rom, have just been installed. Now, all hospital rooms have new beds, noted Ayres. The stretchers are made by Stryker and are considered top of the line units.
PC Nursing Scholarships to Be Awarded
The Pointe Coupee Health Service District has announced that it will provide two nursing scholarships to applicants from Pointe Coupee parish with the highest ACT scores.
“Nurses are in short supply,” said Larry Ayres, PCGH Administrator. “We are trying to ‘grow’ our own.”
Under the guidelines of the scholarship, the student would have an obligation to work two years for Pointe Coupee General Hospital under a two-year scholarship grant program, or three years, etc., depending on the life of the scholarship. For more information call (225) 638-6331.
Pointe Coupee native Bubba Pourciau undergoes recent therapy on an exercise bike for a chronic knee problem with PCGH Physical Therapist John Allen.
PCGH Employees Benefit From Communications Workshop
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life!"
"A short pencil is better than a long memory."
"Start off being 15 minutes early for every meeting."
Those were only a few of the witty, helpful hints that Obed Kirkpatrick brought with him when he spoke to 41 Pointe Coupee General employees on "Communications."
Kirkpatrick, representing Priority Management, aimed to show employees how to communicate better and how to be better prepared and organized.
PCGH medical records employee Nora Porche learned a lot from the workshop, which was spread out over two days (April 15 and 20) for those who couldn't make one date. "I learned every job is important," said Porche. "He hit the nail on the head with so many things he said. he said. It will enable me to do my job better."
Obed Kirkpatrick, of Priority Management, discusses better employee organization and communication with PCGH employees on April 20.
Nutritionist Presents Program on 'Cancer: Prevention or Survival?'
Parish residents, many whom have indirectly or directly been affected by cancer, turned out on May 4 at Pointe Coupee General Hospital to listen to Stacie Arcement's program entitled "Cancer: Prevention or Survival?", which focused on key ways to reduce your risk for developing certain types of cancer through dietary changes.
Arcement, the Nutritionist at Pointe Coupee General Hospital, told the group how research has shown that certain steps can lower a person's chances for developing cancer and lower chances for spreading.
Some other guidelines included:
Eat a low-fat diet, high in fiber.
Eat a diet that includes good sources of vitamin A and C.
She pointed out in the presentation that cancer is the number two cause of death in the United States, with heart disease being first.