Progress Notes — October 1987
This document has been recreated below for ease of use. It has been lightly edited for clarity. Hyperlinks have been inserted where additional, relevant information is available.
For posterity, the original document is available, too.
Mary Bernard, Editor
Hattie Benton, R.N., Co-Editor
Who Will It Be?
By Hattie Benton, R.N.
Team work.
Who will take his place?
Who will be the next administrator of Pointe Coupee General Hospital?
Who will replace Mr. Jerry Marquette? Can anyone else walk those miles “in his shoes” - and do as well?
Will his successor be making patient rounds as regularly, sometimes on Sundays, caring and concerned, getting to know people, listening kindly and with compassion to their problems and difficulties?
Who will greet all personnel each day with a smile and happy face - a positive attitude, even on a rainy day and especially during hard times and setbacks?
Who will communicate as well?
Who will be our leader, our mentor and counselor, ever willing to hear our cause, give advice, encouragement, when needed most?
These are the questions that employees are now asking, wondering, worrying about, needing to know.
Jerry Marquette worries about us, too, and what is in store for Pointe Coupee General.
Such a short time it seems, since that day in November of 1981, when this man came to us as head of this hospital, meeting with us together to determine their needs, inviting input on anything related to patient care in general.
From the beginning he has been kind, considerate, but deliberate.
To a Real Great Guy
We wish you, Jerry Marquette, farewell and Godspeed.
You brought your best to Pointe Coupee General in our time of need.
You have made many friends among us.
Tis a shame you must go away from us.
Yes, we will miss you, Jerry Marquette. We will miss those cheerful, morning greetings.
We will miss those anytime, open door, meetings.
Like all men of greatness, you made a few enemies too.
Now, we pause, it is our turn to honor you.
For we believe in giving credit where credit is due.
Your contribution to the parish and at Pointe Coupee General, has been much more than some.
As you depart, you leave a legacy of a job well done.
You are Jerry Marquette.
As you tenure draws nigh, you can hold your head high.
We are much better off having known you.
(You've been a staunch friend of mine).
Jerry Marquette, our administrator, you are a legend in your time.
Notes and Quotes
The parents of an eight-year-old boy who was away at camp for the first time hadn't heard from him, so they called him and were a bit disappointed to discover that he hadn’t missed them at all.
“Have any of the other kids gotten homesick?” his mother asked.
“Only the ones who have dogs,” replied the boy.
New Board Members
On September 15, 1987, two new Health Services District Board Members were introduced, Mr. Albert (Dewey) Dukes, Jr. and Mr. James Boulanger. They are replacing Mrs. Mary Sneed and Mr. Edward C. Nelson who's term of office had expired.
Auxiliary News
The PCGH Auxiliary held a meeting October 14th. The meeting was called to order by President, Nona Felps. Thought for the day by Eula Guidroz. Laura David gave the Treasurers report of $1,987.08. Adele Gilbert have the Gift Shop report. Special Projects Chairman, Virgie Isaac had attended a State Auxiliary meeting in Alexandria on October 13, 1987.
Mr. Marquette then gave a report and was on hand for the installation of officers for the upcoming year.
President: Virgie Isaac
Vice President: Margie Thompson
Treasurer: Laura David
Secretary: Gerry Oxford
A social followed honoring the two past Presidents, Eula Guidroz and Nona Felps.
The hospital employees wish to thank the Hospital Auxiliary for all of their help this past year. Good luck in the upcoming year.
ACLS Appreciation Dinner
On October 13, 1987 a covered dish dinner was held for all ACLS participants. Gifts were presented to Dr. Beamon, Dr. Doucet, Helen Cook, R.N. and the Acadian Ambulance Paramedics who had helped give the ALS course this year.
A special thanks to Dr. Beamon for all the time and preparation in giving this course.
On October 31, 1987 on the front lawn of Pointe Coupee General Hospital there will be a balloon release to raise money for the Louisiana Chapter-Arthritis Foundation.
3:00 - 3:15 P.M. - Halloween Safety Program Sheriff's Department
3:15 - 3:45 P.M. - Halloween Costume Contest
Ages 5 - 8 years old
9 - 12 years old
3:45 - 4:00 P.M. - Short Speech for Arthritis Balloon Release
Please come and have some fun.
A Spoonful of Courtesy Helps the Medicine Go Down
The importance of guest relations is some thing almost all hospitals recognize, but implementing a guest relations program that really works and keeps on working is an ongoing challenge that often poses difficulties.
Let's face it. When a patient chooses your hospital over the competition, he has made a huge purchasing decision, and health care consumers have a right to be happy with the "goods" they purchase.
Since patients are not usually capable of judging the quality of clinical services, they must base opinions on the treatment they received while in your facility. Patients tend to notice small things, rather than the larger, more dramatic issues of clinical care.
Fortunately, it's the small things that hospitals can change without major expense or coordination. In looking at ways to make your guest relations program accomplish its mission, remember, little things count.
Patients do not appreciate:
a rude, discourteous employee
a cold, sterile envirorment
a bill that is incorrect
poor telephone manners on the part of hospital staff
a late delivery of pain medication
cold food
unkempt employee appearance
a dirty bathroom
an interdepartmental conflict related to the patient by staff member
having to wait for test procedures with scant clothes in a public place, and not being told what is going to happen and when
While none of these issues directly affects the quality of clinical care provided, they do influence the perception of quality in the patient's eye.
Courtesy and caring count a great deal in determining the long-term success of a hospital. However, motivating employees to carry out these functions can frequently become a problem.
Memorial Hospital in South Bend, Ind., and the principal developer of the guest relations program "People to People" feels hospital administration must begin with employee relations if it wants to be successful in its guest relations efforts. For example, employees have a personnel department that listens to their needs and responds when appropriate; a light bulb replaced in the employees restroom; hot coffee in the cafeteria for employees on all shifts; delivery of medications to the nursing unit on time. The list is endless and the key is to make employees feel like they, too, are guests.
The second step in a effective guest relations program is to help employees look at themselves and their job performance. Let then be the judges of their own behavior. Many times, employees do not realize they are being rude or short with co-workers or patients. We all have different definitions when it comes to courtesy, warmth and friendliness. Therefore, it is not enough for hospital administrators to tell employee to "be courteous."
Employees need direct performance standards and a mechanism for review of those standards. Without a review process, guest relations training may go in one ear an out the other. Employees need to feel accountable and receive positive feedback from a job well done.
Letter to the Employees of the Pointe Coupee Parish Health Services District
I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you for sharing with me these last six years in the work we have done together. Your dedication and loyalty to this program is undoubtedly the key to future success. There will be struggles, disagreements, and tough decisions to make.
Please share with your new management team, in order to continue to Progress, Care and Grow, as the best heath care provider you can be. Do not dwell on the past, but on the future. Change can be a positive catalyst, if you make it that way.
I'm proud to have been a part of the Pointe Coupee Parish Health Services District and I will always remember you (the employees). Thank you for allowing me to have been part of your family.
Bonne Sante’
M.A.V.S. Practical Nursing Class
Open house was held on October 16, 1987. This annual event was given by the Nursing Instructors and the Practical Nursing Class.
Notes & Quotes
In the end, we are all the sum to total of our actions. Character cannot be counterfeited, nor can it be put on and cast off as if it were a garment to meet the whim of the moment. Like the markings on wood which are ingrained in the very heart of the tree, character requires time and nurture for growth and development. Thus also, day by day, we write our own destiny; for inexorably we become what we do.
The secret of staying young is live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.
Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than in the one where they sprang up.
Employee Representative
On September 28th, the hospital employees voted to elect Mary Bernard as the Employee Representative.
Employee of the Month
July - Lee Jackson, Data Processing
August - Lucy Fortenberry, Home Health
September - Fran Talbot, ICU
On Setpember 30, 1987 a Retirement Party was held for Mrs. Dorothy Beauvais, Housekeeping Manager. Mrs. Beauvais had worked in health care for 26 years. We will miss you Mrs. Dot.
Watch out squirrels and deers, retired person in the woods!
You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.
—Oliver Goldsmith
Stephanie Martin - Baby Gir1 - 07-24
Donna Kimble - Baby Boy 07-24
Becky Koffman - Baby Boy 07-28
Donna Derbes - Baby Boy - 08-22
11-04 - Kay Langlois
11-06 - Jackie Bergeron
11-07 - Yvonne Miremont
11-08 - Anne Gustin
11-09 - Bernan Reed y
11-09 - Marion Cifreo
11-09 - Gloria Plauche
11 - 10 Allyson Schexnayder
11-13 - Doris Gauthier
11-23 - Juanita Travasos
11-27 - Bertha Ellsworth
11-28 - Debra Laws
11-30 - Danny Chustz
12-02 - Shirley Dittloff
12-03 - Cheryl LeCompte
12-04 - Gladys Dickinson
12-09 - Nancy Witty
12-13 - Sandra Pouricau
12-15 - Selma Shields
12-16 - Morris Frederick
12-17 - Delores Azard
12-27 - Bonnie Steinkamp
12-29 - Julie Smith
12-31 - Orelia Northern
01-07 - Debra Travis
01-09 - Rose Guerin
01-10 - James Dauzart
01-11 - Donna Derbes
01-12 - Lynn Jewell
01-14 - Margaret David
01-16 - Dorothy Beauvais
01-17 - Glenda Gwin
01-18 - Rickey Labatut
01-26 - Nancy Rae
01-27 - Bettye Foreman
02-01 - Dianne Robertson
02-03 - Marie Kaiser
02-04 - Onora Demoulin
02-10 - Ella Knight
02-11 - Joanie Dauzart
02-11 - Lee Jackson
02-12 - Linda Bergeron
02-12 - Marjory Martin
02-16 - Mary Bernard
02-19 - Monica Carmena
02-21 - John Bonaventure
02-24 - Maggie Jarreau
Medical Staff
11-12 - Ronald Padgett, M. D.
01-07 - James Christopher, M. D.
01-30 - Jerome Peltier, M. D.
02-28 - Thomas Beaman, M.D.
New Employees
As of September 30, 1987, Primedica, Inc. no longer has Respiratory Care Services in the hospital. We were sorry to see them leave us, but now we have gained one hospital employee, Mrs. Donna (Vosburg) Derbes a Certified Respiratory Therapist.
Also this month we have Tracy Vosburg a Registered Nurse joining our staff and Nancy Rae has become a full-time employee.
He knows how to organize, supervise and vitalize. He helped breathe life into Pointe Coupee General. Let us not forget that!
His responsibilities here encompass many and all facets of health care. That is a big job for one man to fill. He has done just that in all these capacities. Let us tell it like it is!
He manages all operations for an acute care general hospital, including Medical Staff and Board coordination.
He manages the Home Health Agency, Director of Outpatient Clinic.
He is advisor and friend of the Substance Abuse Program.
He spends a lot of time with the aging, being advisor to the Council on Aging Program, traveling throughout the parish to each site many times.
He serves as Coordinator of the Mental Health and Health Unit Services, acting as liaison between Health Services District and Ambulance Service.
Jerry Marquette has initiated Bonne Sante' and Wellness Clinic. He initiated a plan to consolidate the Nursing Home and Hospital Dietary and Laundry services.
He expended great effort and energy toward directing and completing the sales tax promotion that will benefit the hospital and the parish as a whole if given time.
He has maintained JCAH and CAP accreditation for six years.
He has coordinated all efforts in the 3 million dollar renovation project for the hospital, approved by the Jury. Among many areas of improvement this includes the sorely needed Intensive Care Unit.
He has been successful in developing our present hospital based Home Health Care program, has initiated, coordinated the parish-wide Substance Abuse Advisor Committee and program.
What more should we ask of a successful administrator? Does not he deem best what will benefit and institution?
If there were any such award given in this parish, he would be a worthy nominee for the Golden Deeds Award.
Who among men - or women do better?
Who will it be? Who?