Giving Back to the Community With Life Support Education


Basic life support (BLS) is a level of medical care which is used for victims of life-threatening illnesses or injuries until they can be given full medical care at a hospital.


Pointe Coupee General Hospital staff recently provided Basic Life Support (BLS) education and training in the parish. The BLS Classes were held for the faculty and staff of Catholic of Pointe Coupee, Valverda Elementary, and False River Academy. Faculty from other parish schools were also in attendance at these courses. In addition to providing the course to the schools, PCGH staff has also instructed the employees and officers of the Pointe Coupee Parish Sheriff’s Department.

PCGH staff currently has plans to provide BLS education to the faculty and staff of Livonia High School in January 2021 and are waiting for confirmation of dates with the remaining parish schools.


PCGH will also be donating digital thermometers and Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) to Pointe Coupee Parish Schools. PCGH administration sees the value in providing lifesaving education and equipment to the parish schools in an effort to save lives.

Pointe Coupee General Hospital instructors include Dania Tolliver-RN, Megan Pourciau-RN, Darla Franklin-RN, and Jillian Chenevert, PCGH student worker. We would like to thank members of the local fire districts, Pedro Leonard and Paul Pinsonat, and Jillian Chenevert, PCGH student worker, for assisting us with providing the BLS course.


Press ReleasePCGHHealth, BLS, Nursing