
Brian J. LeBlanc, MD

Family Practitioner

Dr. Brian LeBlanc, a native of Lakeland, Louisiana, has been practicing medicine since August 1997. He received an undergraduate degree from the University of Louisiana in Lafayette and a graduate degree from the Louisiana State University Medical School in Shreveport. Upon completion of a residency in family medicine at the University Medical Center in Lafayette, Dr. LeBlanc established his medical practice in New Roads. He is a Family Practitioner, a Kid Med provider, and a board certified physician with Our Lady of the Lake Physician Group and is a member of the medical staff at Pointe Coupee General Hospital.

Dr. LeBlanc has served as the Chief of Staff at Pointe Coupee General Hospital, and as a member of the Louisiana State Board of Practical Nurses. He has also served on the American Health Education (AHEC) Board of Directors. Given the changes in health care and technology, Dr LeBlanc was selected as a Physician Champion in leading the implementation of the electronic health record in the local physician's office practices. He currently serves as a preceptor for Louisiana State University and Tulane medical students and Our Lady of the Lake physician assistant students. According to Dr. LeBlanc, clinical experiences in rural communities are valuable teaching tools allowing students to understand the challenges and needs of the rural community.

On the personal side, Dr. LeBlanc is married to Jodie Leblanc who is also a native of Pointe Coupee. They are the parents of three children, Bethany, William, and Whitney. Spending time with his family tops the list of his favorite past times along with cooking and spending time on False River.

Dr. LeBlanc believes the art of caring is paramount in his role as a family practice physician. He has and continues to care for patients of all ages. Caring for infants and watching them grow into adulthood has been extremely rewarding for him. These long term relationships have fostered a bond and special kinship with those for whom he cares.

Their office is located in our Medical Office Building № 2.

PCGH’s Medical Office Building № 2.